What is the harmness of PVC pipe glue and what’s the solution for it?

PVC pipe glue, also known as PVC cement or PVC adhesive, can pose certain health hazards if not used properly. According to Hunker[1], PVC vapor can cause mild eye and eyelid irritation, while accidents can cause burning, stinging, severe watering, and inflamed conjunctiva. It is recommended to wear eye goggles when working with PVC materials to avoid injury to the eyes. If contact occurs, the eyes should be rinsed for five minutes with a constant stream of water, and then a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

In addition, Bob Vila[2] explains that joining a pipe to a pipe fitting requires specially formulated primer and cement, which is a chemical solvent that melts the surface of the PVC and then quickly re-hardens. The use of PVC glue and primer also needs to be done in a well-ventilated area, as the glue can emit vapors that are harmful if inhaled.

It is important to follow certain dos and don’ts when working with PVC glue to ensure both safety and effectiveness. TigerFish Tools[3] advises smoothing out any uneven edges before applying the primer and cement, as this can lead to a compromised seal and leaks. It is also important to work quickly, as there is only about ten seconds after applying the primer to apply the cement.

There are two solutions which could instead of PVC pipe glue.
For metal threaded pipe joint, we can use anaerobic pipe sealant, for details refer to https://www.luokeadhesives.com/products/anaerobic-adhesive/thread-sealant
For non-metal threaded pipe joint, we could use pipe dope or pipe joint compound(together with flax), for details refer to https://www.luokeadhesives.com/products/pipe-joint-compound 

Both solutions are solvent-free materials thus much more safer for handling.

1. https://www.hunker.com/12435859/the-hazards-of-pvc-glue-and-primer
2. https://www.bobvila.com/articles/gluing-pvc-pipe/
3. https://www.tigerfishtools.com/news/pvc-glue/

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Post time: Apr-18-2023